Happy New Year! Awesome Plans for 2010!

Miami here! Havn’t posted in awhile. It’s new years eve and an hour till 2010! 🙂 ! I got some cool CP stuff for christmas: 5 puffles, EPF (not the collector edition, sadly 😦 ), and some Card Jitsu cards. I’m still on the path to a fire ninja. I’ve used one coin code, so I still have 4 left. I’m also going to do some late boxing day shopping before school come backs so I might get some mix and match 2 inch toys. I’m holding a contest. I need to see what my other three puffles series are, but I’m most likely going to do a Series 6 contest. I have plans for it, but it’ll have to wait till 2010.

In CP, there are goig to be new missions, new games, new jobs, and much more. Check the WNB (What’s New Blog) for more info. I’m thinking from the picture, a new mission, a new puffle, and a squid appearing in Aqua Grabber. The image looks like the rumored squid sometimes in the CP Times. Also, certain sources say that EPF might come to CP… well, that’s a rough idea of what I’ve pieced together, but you might never know…

Lots of stuff is right around the corner. I’d say the contest details will arrive between Sunday and Monday. School on Tuesday… ewwww.

Waddle On!


The Great Snow Maze, New Pin

Miami here! I’m skipping some other important updates, but I’ll get to those another time. The great snow maze is for members, but there is a free item for everyone.

The blue toque and there are new sleds in sled racing to buy.

Follow these directions to get to the end. If you get confused, click the red button in the ski village for a map.

  1. Top Left
  2. Up (on the right)
  3. Up
  4. Right
  5. Up
  6. Around the Cave
  7. Left
  8. Right, Down, Left
  9. Right
  10. Right
  11. Up (right)
  12. Far Left
  13. Up

You did it!

Now you’re in the house of a Yeti. Cool! It has a snow plower…thing.

For members, there’s a Yeti costume! Video coming soon!

Other Updates

The hockey rink is back, for the Christmas Season!

The Hot Chocolate pin is in the Coffee Shop

A site contest, more updates, banners, funny pictures, videos, and more is all coming YOUR way for Christmas!

Waddle On!


November Clothing Catalog Cheats, New Sled Pin

Miami here! A delayed post, I’ve been busy. Here are the catalog cheats.

cp NCC Cheats

Click the white puffle for the Dizzy.

Click the Dojo for the Red Viking Helmet. Open and close it four times for the blue viking helmet.

Click the mushroon for the black cape.

Click the word ‘Work’ for the Black Superhero Mask.

Click the letter ‘N’ in ‘Clearance’ for the Black Bowtie.

The new sled pin is on the ski hill.


That’s it for now. More cheats VERY soon.

Waddle On!


CP Halloween Party Short Post

Miami here! Rushed on time. Gotta make this quit. blah blah blah. The Halloween party is here.

Scavenger hunt  

 1. Behind a jack-o-lantern in the attic.

2. At the dock. Click the pumpkin with the triangle in it.

3. Behind a chandelier at the pet shop.

4. At the cove. It’s in the book the ghost is holding.

5. Hanging in the ceiling in the pool. It’s a pumpkin but it looks different from the rest.

6. In a light in the right stadium light at the Soccer Pitch.

7. There are some bushes that occasionally rustle at the forest. Click them for the candy apple to appear.

8. In the bottom right corner of the mine, the candy is in the green slime.

Done: the prize is a background.

Free Items

The free item for everyone is in the plaza.

Members Only

Haunted House: In the mine, there’s a haunted house. If you go inside, there’s a member free item: a pumpkin head. Click around the haunted house and amuse yourself.

Secret Lab: Click the lantern in the underground mine. A doorway will appear. If you go inside, you will at the laboratory from last year. It is pretty cool. Once again, click around and amuse yourself. Also, there is a monster catalog with some new items and mostly Halloween costumes not in the clothing catalog and clothing from previous play catalogs.

Gary: He is going from server to server in the Secret Lab. You know the drill. Get some friends, find a tracker, server jump.

Fun Stuff (Barely had time to add this!)

Night of the living sled: Watch the first one at the coffee shop, the second one in the lounge, and the new, third one in the lighthouse.

Decorations: There everywhere. Inside a lot of the buildings, it is darker. Explore.

Check out the lights at the Iceberg

Even the Dojo is decorated.

Well, that’s it. A longer, more detailed picure post coming as soon as possible.

Waddle On and Happy Halloween!


Quick Anniversary Post

Miami here! Ok the anniversary is one day only. Click the pinata in the coffee shop 2 times and the hat will fall out. The new pin is in the boiler room. There’s a new year book, CP Times, and igloo catalog. Sorry for the lateness and shortness.

Waddle On!


Halloween, Cotumes, Cp Times, Ninjas, Squidzoid!

Miami here! Sorry this post is late. First of all, new costumes for Halloween. Here are the secrets.



Open and close the red viking helmet four time to get the Blue VH.

Here are some updates in the news. Also, Sensei gave us a clue. Sensei once did this and told us Rockhopper was coming, and he did. But what does wind have to do with anything?


The sky has darkened at the Dojo. Also, the winds have blown the smoke from the volcano to the left.


Squidzoid is now at the stage. A bit of new stuff to the story, no secrets.

There’s a new pin in the lodge attic, the foot ball pin. What?

Waddle On!


Lot’s Of Ninja Info!!!!! Other New Events and Updates!

Miami here! I’ve been very busy recently and havn’t been able to post. But that’s not important now. What’s important is all this Fire Ninja stuff on CP!!! Thing’s have been getting crazy and I’ve been investigating very closely to clues on what is happening. First of all…….  A VOLCANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guessed one might appear, and what do you know, it appeared!!!

Ok, the first part of my investigation went to the CP Times. I found some pretty major clues on the situation, and here they are. All vital imnformation has a red box surrounding it.


A volcano that’s not dangerous. That means we can go “near” it, huh? In fact, this Volcano has some secrets to it. What it holds, I don’t know. Apparently, the sky was a sign that only Sensei understood. He knew it was time to gather fire items to reveal the mountains true identity. This means that Sensei, and even more, the CP team have been holding secrets from us.

Also, the SH has been moved to end on the 28th.

While investigating I learned many things. It was like building lego. You have all the pieces, but you just don’t understand how it all fits together. I set out to find the clues to straighten things up so I could understand. I knew the best place to search was back a while ago, around a year ago: when the ninja mystery started. While searching, I found something very, very interesting.


This is an old picture on one of my old posts. Look what it says though. The journey First step!!! This means there is still another journey for ninjas!

Also, I noticed one more thing even MORE interesting! While looking at the Volcano, I thought about how this might happen with the other two elements as well. Then I realised something. In the picture, there was a Volcano (fire), a Waterfall (water), and a snow mountain (snow)!!!! This means that we will also go to those areas and learn the ways of fire, water, and snow!


Continuing my clue search, I looked closely at a certain picture and rezlized something.


 In the background, the mountain has no snow on it! And remember how it said the “first” step? This means CP has known this would happen for over a year!!!! :0

One more clue I realized relates to the Black Puffles. They have recently acted up to all the fire stuff happening. I investigated this and realized something. Black puffles resemble fire, white puffles resemble snow, and… ummm. I guess pink puffles resemble water. Maybe CP will release a dark blue puffle. Hmmmm.

Another thing I realized, didn’t Sensei say he came from the mountains? Maybe we might meet more people up in the mountains. like how were going to meet samurai’s at the Volcano.

Also, I was looking at different sites and seeing if they had any other clues about all this. I was looing at Lux1200’s site and in one of his posts, there was a picture of an amulette and then I realised, “That’s what the hole in the ground is for! Once we have mastered all the elements, we can buy the amulette and go to a new ninja room!”

Here’s a link to his site and the post. http://clubpenguincheatcp.com/2009/09/22/more-club-penguin-ninja-info-ninja-amulette-and-ninja-journey/#more-9972

Important: I am NOT copying! I knew almost everything except the info on the amulette. Besides, I linked to his site. Don’t comment saying “You copied Lux!” because I didn’t alright?

Well, that ends that on the Ninja news. Anyways, here’s the other cheats.

There’s a new pin out. It’s in the book room, the Padlock pin.


There is also new Igloo Music out.

Also, there is a new post regarding new cp toys. Here’s a link to the post. http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/2009/09/ninja-toys.php

Some of the toys include toys based on Series 4, a ninja plush, and a Sensei plush. Also, I’m pretty sure that the Sensei plush comes with some Card Jitsu cards.

There are also some new boxes for Card Jitsu cards. I don’t have a picture or link, but I’ve seen pictures of them before, somewhere that I forget.

Last but not least, the events!


Hmm. They have Halloween info on the costumes, but nothing so far on the yearly Halloween party.

Waddle On!




Fire Scavenger Hunt! Ninja Update!

Miami here! CP released a sudden new Fire Scavenger Hunt from Sensei. CP released a preview involving fire yesterday, but this was unexpected. Also, Sensei is going from Server to Server so you can get his background.

Follow this link to see the preview picture: http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/2009/09/sneak-peek-3.php

Anyways, the scavenger hunt.

1. Your hunt starts in a Skiing place,

Where this fire helps to warm your face!

 Room: Ski Lodge

2. In a place where books delight,

This flame is a reading light.

 Room: Book Room

3. Look for a grumpy puffle’s flare,

And find yourself a sizzling hair.

 Room: Pet Shop

4. Underground you’ll need a light,

This lamp makes a dark place bright!

 Room: Underground

5. By an oven is where you’ll find

A fiery sauce to blows your mind!

 Room: Pizza Parlor

6. By the sea you’ll find a flame,

Not far from a surfing game!

 Room: Cove

7.Find this gadget way up high,

Burning fuel will help you fly!

 Room: Beacon

8. One last clue and then you’re done,

Find a lantern, the left one!

 Room: Dojo Courtyard

9. You found them all! You’re very wise,

Enjoy the reward when you click claim prize.

 Prize: Fire Pin



Click the link below for a video guide.


Here are some images of the Dojo and the Ninja HQ.


I’m a bit rushed on time and I won’t be able to post for the next few days. But I heard that Sensei has been saying the Fire Element is growing and something that relates to Volcanoes. I think there will be a volcano. Also, I think Black Puffle’s will be able to join in Card Jitsu. Will stuff like this happen for other elements? No one knows.

If the Green Puffle joined in a game, I think it would be Jet Pack Adventure.

Waddle On!


New Pin, New Items, Repeat Play

Miami here! There are three new items at the Fall Fair. A hat for non members, a moustache for members, and a furniture itemf or members.

cp new ff items

Also, there’s a new pin at the Pizza Parlor. It’s an 101 days of fun something something like that pin.


Also, the new play (cough, repeat) is out. The only secret is the G in the word “Forgot” on the same page as the Tiki masks.

That’s all for now!

Waddle On!


Fall Fair Ending Soon!

Hey guys! Bib here! The fall fair is ending so you should get what you need/want! It ends Friday. It seems like it didn’t last long enough for me. 😦 Well, here are some ways to get tickets quickly, so you can get your prizes!

1. In Puffle Paddle, only focus mainly on the first puffle you get. Then if another comes, paddle it, but make sure not to loose the first one. The more times you bounce it, the more tickets you will get.

2. Play the “Hit The Bell” game a lot. Gain full power when using the hammer and make sure to aim for the middle.

3. If you get to the green puffles in “Feed a Puffle”, aim for them whenever they come up. They get you 10 points each time you feed them.

Well, I have to go now. I hope those tips help! 🙂
