Tag Archives: fire element

Fire Scavenger Hunt! Ninja Update!

Miami here! CP released a sudden new Fire Scavenger Hunt from Sensei. CP released a preview involving fire yesterday, but this was unexpected. Also, Sensei is going from Server to Server so you can get his background.

Follow this link to see the preview picture: http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/2009/09/sneak-peek-3.php

Anyways, the scavenger hunt.

1. Your hunt starts in a Skiing place,

Where this fire helps to warm your face!

 Room: Ski Lodge

2. In a place where books delight,

This flame is a reading light.

 Room: Book Room

3. Look for a grumpy puffle’s flare,

And find yourself a sizzling hair.

 Room: Pet Shop

4. Underground you’ll need a light,

This lamp makes a dark place bright!

 Room: Underground

5. By an oven is where you’ll find

A fiery sauce to blows your mind!

 Room: Pizza Parlor

6. By the sea you’ll find a flame,

Not far from a surfing game!

 Room: Cove

7.Find this gadget way up high,

Burning fuel will help you fly!

 Room: Beacon

8. One last clue and then you’re done,

Find a lantern, the left one!

 Room: Dojo Courtyard

9. You found them all! You’re very wise,

Enjoy the reward when you click claim prize.

 Prize: Fire Pin



Click the link below for a video guide.


Here are some images of the Dojo and the Ninja HQ.


I’m a bit rushed on time and I won’t be able to post for the next few days. But I heard that Sensei has been saying the Fire Element is growing and something that relates to Volcanoes. I think there will be a volcano. Also, I think Black Puffle’s will be able to join in Card Jitsu. Will stuff like this happen for other elements? No one knows.

If the Green Puffle joined in a game, I think it would be Jet Pack Adventure.

Waddle On!
